
International Association of Visual Artists   IAVA

The International Association of Visual Artists IAVA, is a nonprofit organization existing since 2013,
but only until 2017 formalised its legal entity, whom main propose is to protect the rights and
promote the interests of all its members as that of all the visual artists in the world.

IAVA is non-partisan, non-sectarian character and is contrary to everything that could discriminate
and violate the dignity of the human being by reason of nationality, race, color, creed, disability,
ideology, social position, age, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.

IAVA´s mission is to be an integrating entity and diffuser of plastic and visual artists worldwide.

Our vision proposes to be the organization that brings together all the active visual artists who
practice this profession internationally. In addition, the association aims to raise the profession of the
visual artist to the highest levels of quality as a profesional, with the main purpose of training,
informing and guiding within the cultural scope of world society.


Promote the solidarity of plastic and visual artists and promote their organization through the
IAVA. As a collective in the representation, defense and promotion of the cultural, economic
and social interests of artists.

 Establish representative dialogues between plastic and visual artists with private institutions,
government, state agencies, corporations, governments and international organizations, encourage
and support cultural policies at international level.

Work collaboratively, establishing agreements and bilateral alliances with organizations,
associations, coalitions or groups of plastic and visual artists in the world.

 Act as a mediator between the artists and the various entities such as museums, galleries, art
critics, historians, foundations and collectors as well as private or governmental institutions that are
essential for the development and promotion of art and global culture.

 Organize conferences, seminars, workshops, auctions, contests, convocations, contests,
exhibitions, congresses, art fairs, forums, talks, round tables or other activities related to matters
of cultural and artistic nature.

Develop a series of activities that serve as a mechanism for fundraising, promotion, exposure and
dissemination of the IAVA.

Found and establish spaces such as galleries, shops, artists; residences, museums, colleges or
schools, universities, cultural center or other services temporary or permanent basis.

Integrate and encourage the participation of our partners within the activities sponsored by the

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